The Research

The Research

We’ve spoken to young people, community groups, local businesses, schools and colleges to understand what can be done. Hearing directly from 700 local young people who come from a range of backgrounds has been invaluable to our research.

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The Challenge

“Our challenge, as we see it, is to co-create a youth-led, data-focused, impactful, eco-system in Burnley; one which enables a highly personalised employment and training offer for young people, built on a network of organisations who truly value collaboration, and focused on making the biggest difference for each individual, rather than contractual outcomes.”

We listened to young people to uncover barriers

The employment system is not designed with young people in mind and is therefore difficult for a them to understand and navigate. Young people do not necessarily know what support is available, where it is, or how to access it.

Feedback from young people has highlighted a lack of places to go and meaningful activities in Burnley, as well as the need to better engage young people and families within the Bangladeshi and Pakistani heritage communities.

What we need to do

We recognise that the challenge is complex. No one organisation or group has all the answers, but collectively each has the potential to reduce the barriers that the others experience. There is a passion and commitment from everyone to do this.

We are creating connections between employers, education providers, the wider community, so we can directly engage the young people themselves and:

• Create long lasting change
• Tackle root causes, not just symptoms of the problem.

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