Thrive in Education

Thrive in Education

We know transition from school to college and creating pathways for young people to employment is difficult.

That’s why we are improving careers provisions and  employment activities in schools to ensure everyone gets support before leaving education.



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Here is how we can support the education system in Burnley...

  • With our support, we can help you test a work experience based curriculum for students in year 10 and 11 who are struggling.

  • We have introduced training for school teachers and staff on the health and wellbeing of students and dealing with trauma.

  • We are developing relationships with businesses in the area and support schools with transitions to college.

  • We are improving and building on current careers activities and provisions within schools.

How can you help create a brighter future for Burnley?

Sign up for local teacher insight days to get into businesses and see what opportunities are available. Support students individually on what opportunities are available to them.

Introduce extended work experience, especially for students at risk of being NEET.

Create pathways into the Thrive Hub, especially for students who are less likely to access further education, training or work.

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Following our research project, several employers have already signed up to the Good Youth Employer Charter, an outward commitment of their support to the project. By working directly with partners in schools, we aim to help young people before they leave education.