Thrive for Employers

Thrive for Employers

We know that employers in Burnley want to recruit locally and have concerns over an ageing workforce.

That’s why we developed pathways to support you in providing jobs for young people who are ready to gain and sustain employment.

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How is Thrive helping employers in Burnley...

  • We support young people when they secure employment by providing practical support

  • Our support includes setting up bank accounts, understanding tax, national insurance and pensions, budgeting, and one to one support

  • We make sure young people are prepared for the vacancies that you have available and provide in work support for employers

  • We have improved connections and employment support from the DWP

  • We will be recruiting a partnership co-ordinator that works with Burnley Bondholders

How can you help create a brighter future for Burnley?

Create entry level job roles for young people and send the details of these roles to us.

Redesign your recruitment approach so that it is more appropriate for young people:
• Focus on skills rather than qualifications.
• Consider the language you use throughout the recruitment process.
• Try a different approach and give more options that go beyond applications forms including videos, work trials and insight days.

Reach out to local schools to offer work experience opportunities.

Find out more about Thrive

Through the Thrive Youth Hub, we can raise awareness of your vacancies and help you to expand your reach to young people.

We also help employers operate good youth employment practices which include targeted recruitment campaigns and designing pre-employment pathways by creating work experience and volunteering opportunities.


Read our report to find out more